Family Chiropractic | Functional Nutrition
Dr Whitney Rutledge DC
Common Reasons Patients present to our office:
Chiropractic Wellness Care
Labs: Blood, Stool, Urine, Saliva
Allergies and Food Sensitivities
Gut Permeability
Genetic Nutrition Consults
Posture Correction
Health and Wellness
Back, Hip, Knee, Ankle, Foot Pain
Neck. Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain
Fussy Babies & Colic
Frequent Colds
Ear Infections
Pre and Post Partum Wellness
Methylation Imbalances
Adrenal Insufficiency
- Epilepsy & Seizures
- Chronic Dis-ease Management
- Meal Planning
Chronic & Acute Pain
Men, women, children, even infants…chiropractic care can be a part of a healthy lifestyle for all the members of your family. A foundation built from fully functional bodies and sound nutritional practices…it’s easy to enjoy life when you’re feeling great.
Prairie Wellness Center works with you, your body, and your lifestyle to promote overall wellness and good health. We can set up a series of regular adjustments to promote optimal nerve function. When your nerves are free to communicate clearly with all parts of the body, your entire system benefits.
Along with adjustments that clear the pathways of communication throughout your body, taking in the correct nutrients can elevate your health from good to great. Knowing how your body processes nutrients is just the first, vital step in the process. With our genetic-based nutritional reports, we can find and fill in gaps that you didn’t even know you had.

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1119 SW Gage Blvd
Topeka, KS 66604
Call or Text 785 272 3878